Report a vulnerability or misuse of AdsGency AI
At AdsGency AI, we take the security and proper use of our platform seriously. If you have identified a vulnerability or misuse within our system, we encourage you to report it to our team.
Found a vulnerability?

If you believe you've identified a potential vulnerability in our software, we encourage you to share the details with us. Your insights are valuable in maintaining the security of our system and safeguarding the privacy of our users.

Please provide comprehensive information about the vulnerability, including its type and steps to reproduce the issue. Kindly notify us at

Witnessed misuse of AdsGency AI?

We aim to be a guiding force in responsible AI use for marketing, sales, and various business applications. Our terms of service expressly prohibit the utilization of AdsGency AI in creating harmful or inappropriate content, hate speech, credible threats or direct attacks on individuals or groups, self-harm or excessive violence, fake or impostor profiles, content intended for electoral campaign dissemination, encouragement of violence, terrorism, or any form of serious harm, illegal activities or content promoting such actions, malicious programs or code, and unauthorized use of personal information.

Should you come across a AdsGency AI user who is violating these terms or causing harm through AdsGency AI-generated content, kindly forward the details of the misuse, including any accompanying images or evidence, to

We greatly value your contributions, as they play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and security of our community.

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